I was fortunate enough to find my calling in life.

I am a natural born healer.

Modern life comes with modern challenges.

Ana, at Map Your Body, have spent the last fourteen years learning several healing and life-improving disciplines that have led her to develop her own approach to health care.

Map Your Goals

Ana knows that there are various pathways one can take to achieve an optimal state of health. Her practice includes a vast selection of modalities that will rejuvenate and nourish your body during and after each treatment. Whether you receive an acupuncture treatment, a therapeutic massage, a zen shiatsu or a cupping session she incorporates her skilled mindfulness, palpation and practical techniques in a tranquil atmosphere.

Ana De La Luz, R.TCMP, R.Ac, RMT.

Founder. Sole practitioner at Map Your Body.

Curriculum & Education.

  • Integrative Acupuncture Certificate Program | Poney Chiang, PhD, R.Ac, R.TCMP | Faculty of Health, York University  | Toronto, Canada | August 2022

  • Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture | Private mentoring with Virginia Doran  | Woodstock NY, USA  | June 2022

  • Diploma of Traditional Chinese Medicine | Eight Branches Academy of Eastern Medicine  | Toronto, Canada | August 2021

  • Tuina and Moxibustion for Menstrual Problem And Infertility  | Sarah Pritchard, Lic. Ac, MBAcC, Dip Tuina, Clin. Cert. Tui Na (Nanjing) | July 2019 

  • Tuina and Moxibustion for Menopause  | Sarah Pritchard, Lic. Ac, MBAcC, Dip Tuina, Clin. Cert. Tui Na (Nanjing) | November 2019 

  • Diploma of Acupuncture and Moxibustion | Eight Branches Academy of Eastern Medicine  | Toronto, Canada. | August 2018

  • Advanced Modern Cupping Therapy  | Shannon Gilmartin, CMT | Toronto, Canada | February 26, 2018

  • Modern Cupping Therapy  | Shannon Gilmartin, CMT | Toronto, Canada | October 1st, 2017

  • Cosmetic Acupuncture  | Kate Kent, R.TCMP, R.Ac. | Toronto, Canada | November 2017

  • Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA)  | David Bomzon and Avi Amir | November 2016 | Toronto, Canada

  • Emotions in Chinese Medicine  | Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée  | Toronto, ON | November 2016

  • Moxibustion  | Amrit Singh, R.Ac. | Toronto, Canada | 2015

  • Fire Cupping for Wind & Stasis  | Renee Pilgrim R.TCMP, R.Ac. | Toronto, Canada | 2014

  • Massage Therapist Diploma Program | ICT Kikkawa College  | Toronto, Canada | July 2013

  • A-Shiatsu Training  | Ruthie Piper Hardee, LMT | Toronto, Canada | August 2013 

  • A-Shi Tai Massage | Mary Claire Fredette, BA, LMT | Toronto, Canada | September 2013

  • Medical Qi Gong Levels A & B | Shifu Donna Oliver | Toronto ON | 2011

  • Zen Shiatsu Diploma Program  | Kokoro Do Jo | Toronto, Canada | 2008 

Any questions?